

Through our signature Horizons program, you’ll develop yourself as a leader, an advocate, and a professional. Best of all: you get to build the Horizons experience that suits you.



Through our signature Horizons program, you’ll develop yourself as a leader, an advocate, and a professional. Best of all: you get to build the Horizons experience that suits you.

Horizons is deeply intertwined with your time at Miss Hall’s. The activities change depending on which grade you’re in, but the entire campus is committed — together — to making time for Horizons every single week.

Horizons helps us connect more deeply to the amazing Berkshires community

Read more at berkshires.org

We start in ninth grade, focusing on ourselves and our immediate peer group, bolstering social and emotional awareness, and practicing interpersonal skills. From there, we move ever outward, learning from our neighbors and then, in our final years, giving back to the broader community — and gaining valuable experience — through tailored internship opportunities.

These internships consistently set our students apart as they go through the college application process. You might, for example, apply with a strong interest in medicine; after your time in Horizons, you’ll also bring experience working in a medical setting like a doctor’s office or hospital — and letters of recommendation from doctors and nurses.

Horizons helps us connect more deeply to the amazing Berkshires community

Read more at berkshires.org


Find the Horizons experience that’s right for you

One of the best parts of Horizons is that your experience is tailored to your interests. Tell us your interest below and see some of the experiences our students have actually had related to that same interest.

Experiential Learning at Miss Hall’s

Take a tour of our Horizons program with students and staff


How it works

We are adapting our Horizons programming during the pandemic. Grades 10–12, which previously would have left campus for Horizons work in the broader community, will instead remain on campus to minimize the possibility of exposure and transmission. This hybrid program for 2020–2021 is designed to engage remote learners, too. For more on how we’re adapting our programming to support our community, please email us at [email protected].

  • 9th grade: Self, identity, and community. You’ll work with peers to learn about — and put into practice! — principles of equity and inclusion, health and wellness, and leadership. Specific topics include intersectionality, race and ethnicity, ability, citizenship and nationality, nutrition, sex education, media literacy, and financial literacy.
  • 10th grade: Place-based learning. You’ll explore the concept of “place,” and you’ll use our Berkshires home to learn about environmental, cultural, and socio-economic theories. Workshops will include everything from science labs on local waterways to activisim projects.

Let’s talk and figure out what Horizons will look like for you

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  • 11th grade: Student-led projects. This is your year. You pick one of nine different projects that allow you to practice leadership, amplify your voice, and improve your community. You could write for our international literary journal, develop our new TedX conference, work for our campus media team, code a new app, and more.
  • 12th grade: Remote internships and personalized projects. Some students will continue existing relationships through remote internships; others will tackle personalized projects, a unique mix of research and activism that translates our learning into real action.

Let’s talk and figure out what Horizons will look like for you

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What is a typical day like for a Miss Hall’s student?

Thursdays aren’t the only days full of exciting activities — check out some real student schedules to see how your days might go

Explore a day in the life

Girls at Miss Hall’s have some pretty incredible stories

Check out the stories section of our website to read more about what some of our students have done through the Horizons program

Explore Horizons stories

Let us answer your questions!

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