You will lead your learning, but you will never be alone. Our faculty will know you as a person and as a student, and they will check in with you daily to make sure you have what you need to grow academically. You cannot slip through the cracks at Miss Hall’s.
Other formal support systems abound. In our Academic Skills Center, professional learning specialists can work with you on everything from study skills to organizing your time. Visit the specialized math and writing centers to get help outside of class on homework and advanced concepts, and one-on-one mentorship from faculty.
You will have a diverse and supportive group of peers, too. Friends from all over the world will help take your ideas to new levels and will study with you and laugh with you in equal measure.
This peer group is one of the best parts of Miss Hall’s. Our students are curious, active, and hard workers. They love learning, and they laugh readily. They’ll push you beyond where you thought you could go — just as you’ll inspire and support them in turn.